Dan DiGangi - Software Engineering Manager, Tech Instructor/Mentor
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React Loop 2019 Conference Speakers and Presentations


Since my blog is actually becoming a thing I'm catching up on the past with some posts. React Loop (RL) is Chicago's first ReactJS conference in 2019 organized by two friends and myself. COVID burned us having the next couple years unfortunately. I'm trying to bring it back in 2024 if you're interested. Contact me at dandigangi.proton.me.

There is a variety of topics covered and not just about React. Check them out below. All the videos are available on the React Loop YouTube channel.

Note - This is when React Hooks came out so some content may be out of date.

Speakers & Video Presentations:

Michael Jackson - Composing Behavior in React or Why React Hooks are Awesome

Opening Keynote

Michael builds Remix Run at Shopify, created Unpkg, and co-founded React Training. He previously worked at Twitter and Path.

Follow @mjackson

Tyler McGinnis - Why React Hooks?

Closing Keynote

Tyler runs a variety of developer products and tools including ui.dev, bytes.dev, react.gg, usehooks.com, and npmtrends.com.

Follow @tylermcginnis

Elizabeth Funk - An Introduction to React Testing Library

Elizabeth is a former software engineer at Medium and Priceline.

Follow @elizfunk

Jesse Weigel - One Codebase to Rule Them All - Using React Native Everywhere

Jesse is a senior software engineer at American Express and previously Dick's Sporting Goods.

Follow @JesseRWeigel

Saimon Sharif - We'll do it live: Underhanded Debugging Tactics

Saimon is an engineering manager at Join Grow Therapy, General Assembly teacher, and previously worked at Rent the Runway.

Follow @saimonsharif

Taelur Alexis - React 360: Creating 3D User Experiences with React

Tae'lur is a successful self taught developer working at Semgrep.

Follow @TaelurAlexis

Eric Bishard - State Management with React Hooks

Eric is a developer relations manager at MetaMask.

Follow @httpJunkie

Houssein Djirdeh - Progressive React

Houssein is a software engineer at Google working on Chrome. He wants to make the web a better place.

Follow @hdjirdeh

Matthew Gerstman - TypeScript: Seeing Past the Hype

Matthew is avid web engineer wielding Typescript at DataDog and previously Dropbox. He loves generics.

Follow @MatthewGerstman

Adrianna Valdivia - A React Developer's Guide to Tech Interviews

Cassidy Williams - Moving to React at CodePen

Cassidy makes memes, dreams, and software. She is the CTO at Contenda, previously CodePen, and is obssessed with mechanical keyboards.

Follow @cassidoo

Tyler Clark - React to Web Workers

Tyler is a developer relations engineer at Okta and instructor at EggHead.io.

Follow @iamtylerwclark

- DD